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Chulalongkorn Medical Journal
CHULA MED J : Vol.52 NO. 6 11/2008
Special Articles
Physical therapy management for shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients. (P. 393)
Srisupornkornkool K.
Original Articles
Reviewed causes of death in 145 perinatal autopsies at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital during October 2002 to December 2006. (P. 407)
Eampornrat W., Yodavudh S., Kliakeaw N.
A survey of postoperative pain experience at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital: Patients' perspective. (P. 421)
Niruthisard S., Sriprajittichai P., Sathonpanich S., Kukiatkulchai R., Tunprayoon A.
Positive blood cultures in outpatients: presictors of poor outcome. (P. 431)
Musikatavorn K., Kietdumrongwong P., lertpocasombat K., Patarakul K.
A study of efficacy of Turbutaline in inhabition of labour and Glucocorticoid therapy for the improvement of the lunngs of the new born in preterm premature rupture of the membranes at Sawanpracharak Hospital. (P. 447)
Nittinawarat A.
Neonatal outcome of infants with 1-minute Apgar score ≤ 7. (P. 457)
Punnahitananda S., Thaithumyanon P.
Modern Medicine
Quality of sleep among Intensive Care Unit Nurses in Thailand. (P. 465)
Tupsangsee J., Jiamjarasrangsi W., Tangwongchai S.